Rebranding a church in central Bristol. Designing all elements. Including helping clarify the identity. A process helping define the vision, the mission and purpose as well as all visual communications including logo, signage, pos, digital, website, etc.
Focusing on helping repackage an organisation that has been around from 980AD. It has had various skins and names over the time. The Pip ‘n’ Jay name was created 50 years ago, and worked well for then. But they were looking for a fresh approach. So the naming process was aiming to communicate something of the discussed purpose; A people focused on getting to the heart of things, a people centred on Jesus, as well as being a geographical nod to being in the heart of Bristol. A name that evoked questions, that wasn’t innately ‘christianise’ and put people off. something short, confident and punchy.
The visual communications side were aimed at late 20, early 30 years old men. Mostly working in the corporate sector. Aiming at visualising something unexpected from a C of E church. But something that is friendly yet confident. A language unafraid to say what its about, without being arrogant, religious or irrelevant.